Saturday, March 11, 2017

March 11 - Anastasya's Clown

Be a clown, be a clown,
All the world loves a clown.
Act the fool, play the calf,
And you'll always have the last laugh.

~ Cole Porter Be a Clown

Here is another tutorial from Anastasya Sokol.

Her tutorials are fantastic, but you have to pay strict attention if you don't speak the language. Details that she explains I have to glean from what her hands are doing, and sometimes it's a struggle when you're a few steps along and realize you might have made something too tight/loose/over inflated or something.

This one (as most of her designs) has great hair, but it's set in there in such a way with the hat and the eyes that wasn't apparent to me until I tried to put it all together. I undid some steps, but it probably would have been much better if I started over again.

Other posts with Anastasya's designs:

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1 comment:

  1. Started my day off with a smile, thanks for sharing!
