Tuesday, March 14, 2017

March 14 - Tractor

I bought an ant farm. I don't know where I am going to get a tractor that small.

~ Steven Wright

Rainer Fürstenfeld is one of those rare gems you stumble across when you devour the internet for balloon resources. He is a German balloon artist and an on-and-off active YouTube poster for a couple years, but never with a great deal of advertising that I've seen.

This tractor is one of his designs (link). Rainer does a great job showing with his fingers the proper sizes to make things but once again it warrants a quick watch through before you start, because things are done with efficiency and you might miss something. For example, he shows how to build one wheel, then shows how to attach the wheels. I speak from experience, I started to build this last week as a request from one of the folks at my office, but ended up with a good portion of it upside down before I realized my mistake.

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