Monday, March 6, 2017

March 6 - Rolly Pollie Bumble Bee

According to all known laws of aviation, there's no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to lift its fat little body off of the ground. The bee, of course, flys anyway - because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.

~ The Bee Movie

I can't speak highly enough for the gigantic faces that these Rolly Pollies provide for practicing your sharpie skills. This bumble bee was actually on Dan Staples first Rolly release.

I have to say again what I love so much about using these various balloon concepts.  Starting with the base of a form removes most of the complexities to design.  I have built some bees on this blog already, I might have tried to build something more or less complicated than those and gotten mired in how I would construct it.  Using a base like this one gets you past that and allows you to focus on creativity with the given set of tools.

I had a red bear head in my bag of extras and thought a ladybug might make a perfect companion to the bees.

Other posts with the Dan's Rolly Pollies:

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