Friday, September 15, 2017

September 15 - Snowflakes and Snow Globes

“Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together.”

~ Vesta M. Kelly

Despite the recent political negativity surrounding the word, "snowflakes" is theme of the school cookie exchange this year.  At the beginning of the year, there is an affair where the various groups in charge of the events gather to recruit volunteers - I made these to support the cookie exchange holiday event.   Consider it an investment in future cookies.

The snow globes were something shown to me at Bling Bling Jam 2016 in the jam room - but alas I don't remember the name of the fellow who showed it!

The snowflake table column is based on something I had seen a while ago by Shonna Flanigan.  I think she had a few more details ...

I filled the snow globes with some rice so they would have a "shake effect" if anyone actually grabbed them.  I had a bit of a catastrophe though with the first attempt and I'm sure there are bits of rice I will be finding for a good while to come.  Then I wised up and finished them outside...

Other Shonna designs:

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