Wednesday, May 25, 2016

May 25 - Nicole's Bee

I'm gonna steal you from your hive
Steal you away from every man alive
They can't see what you mean to me, queen bee

~ Grand Funk Railroad Queen Bee

I have had a special request to make a "Spelling Bee" for one of the teachers at my son's school for a while, and it's getting scary close to the end of the school year!

This design was originally published as part of the Frequent Flyers balloon benefit project, but now to everyone in the recent Balloon Magic magazine (#83).  It's interesting to see the similar head structure to the angry birds pig used to create something radically different.

There is actually a contest going on for a couple more weeks to show off the Frequent Flyer builds so I tried to get a good themed picture.

Spelling Bee - Contest Entry

His favorite musician is Sting

Other posts with Nicole's designs:

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