Monday, May 9, 2016

May 9 - Rebel Cuties

"Uuuuuuuuuurrr Aahhhhhhhhrrrrr Uuuurrrr Ahhhhrrrr Aaaaaaarrhg...."

~ Chewbacca

After building all the force users, I couldn't move on without at least building Han and Chewie Character Cuties.

I know I've said it previously, but I really enjoy these videos - they are taught well and easy to twist along with, and the artwork is shown in very clear detail using simple shapes. With so many Star Wars characters to explore, this ends up being a great vehicle with which to practice the body type. Since the body is based on a quick simple form, it takes artistic effort to bring forth the character with "as few lines/bubbles" as possible - and Corinne does a fantastic job with these Star Wars characters. That's why even though I have the gist of the Character Cutie-style, I would definitely support any sort of Superhero/Disney/Spooky/etc. Cutie lines in the future.

I struggled this time a bit on Han, and might make his shirt bubble just an overlay bubble next time. Also I had some scraps to use for the bloody hand print on Finn's helmet, but I'm not sure it ended up any cooler than sharpie.

This time I went for using this technique on an X-wing pilot.  The helmet blank looks like princess hair, here's what I mean by it needs the artwork!!  I used the same chibi-style face, but I think I made the cheeks a bit too rosy ...

One of my guilty pleasures is reading the Star Wars books. What the writers have done with the universe is fantastic and brilliant and tragic and wonderful. So you can imagine the shock when I heard that Disney wanted to treat all books as fiction and only the movies (including the Clone Wars cartoon...) as Star Wars reality. Don't get me wrong, I loved the Force Awakens ... but the epic they have just rejected, I hope they use some of. The Yuuzhan Vong. Jacen and Jaina Solo. Mara Jade. Ben Skywalker. Chewie. OH man -- Chewie! I could barely get the words out as I read that last chapter to my son ...

Please take good care of my universe, Disney.

Where is your weapon, FN-2187?

Laugh it up, furball!

Actually I'm kind of glad I'm not the Chewie you were looking for...

Other posts with Corinne's designs:

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1 comment:

  1. This is really cool. Don't stop doing this, you are awesome!
