Sunday, June 11, 2017

June 11 - Batman-mobile

I think it's that wherever I go, people are so nice to me, and they come up by the hundreds, and they say nice, funny things. As an actor, I just like to make people happy, make them laugh. That's our job, to entertain, and if I'm entertaining you folks, then I'm happy.

~ Adam West
   September 19, 1928 – June 9, 2017

What do Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale and Ben Affleck all have in common?  #notmybatman

My Batman was Adam West.  When I read the comics, I heard his voice - not weird gravel grumbles, not Beetlejuice.   Friday night the world lost my Batman. In my humble opinion, Batman is one of the coolest superheroes. The grim vigilante, the dark knight, introspective and self aware, no super powers but making the tough decisions to keep Gotham safe. So. Much. Awesome.

I thought a batmobile might be a fitting tribute since I'm already in the midst of my Rumble Trucks (David Brenion concept - LINK).  Building something authentic didn't really fit with the style, so instead I made a Batmanmobile.

"We impose meaning on the chaos of our lives. We create form, morality, order. It's a choice we have to make every second of every minute of every day."  ~ Batman

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