Saturday, June 17, 2017

June 17 - Wonder Woman

Steve: This war is a great big mess, and there's not a whole lot you and I can do about that. I mean, we can get back to London and try to get to the men who can.

Diana: I am the man who can.

~ Wonder Woman (2017)

I really enjoyed the recent Wonder Woman movie.  I had braced myself somewhat for it to be another terrible DC-flop, but was pleasantly surprised.  I love breaking the stereotype and having a strong woman lead, and was only mildly annoyed that they included a love story - I suppose it works in this context, having spent her entire life on an island of women might give cause to some fascination.

My youngest son has been playing a good bit of Injustice 2 recently, so I've now adopted Wonder Woman as one of my main characters.  She is much quicker than my previous, Swamp Thing.

This design was posted recently by YouTube user mibo9090,  明波 (which Google Translate tells me is Li Mingbo).  Li has started posting videos this year, and many of them are fantastic like this.  He demonstrates very clearly what to do, so the language barrier was not a problem.  I will be attempting more of them I am certain.  Thank you, Li!

I knew this would be an impressive balloon to bring my friend Matt, who I was slightly late meeting for lunch because I was finishing her shield.

1 comment:

  1. Appeals to the woman in me! Thanks for the smiles and the link!
