Friday, November 18, 2016

November 18 - Big Turkey

So take me back to Constantinople
No, you can't go back to Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Constantinople
Why did Constantinople get the works?
That's nobody's business but the Turks

~ They Might Be Giants Istanbul

This is one of my favorite things to build this season. There is something extremely satisfying about bringing in a balloon sculpture that doesn't quite fit through the door.

This design is another one of the turkeys included in the Turkey Time release by CJ Nelson at Twisters Cookbook (link).

So far I've made four (!!).   One I brought to work when I realized this week marks the first week that Carol starts work in a new office building.  Although I knew it was coming I am sad to see her go, she always seemed so happy when I brought in balloons, so I made an extra one to bring to her new office.

The third I made for my son's dance studio, they already had some holiday decorations up, but this got a prime location for display on the front desk.  Finally (at least for now!) I made one for my local Starbucks - the people there are always so nice and this is a good one to show off with.

Pardon both of us?

Other posts with CJ's designs:

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