Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November 1 - Ninja Turtle

Splinter taught them to be ninja teens
Leonardo leads, Donatello does machines
Raphael is cool but rude
Michaelangelo is a party dude
Teenage mutant ninja turtles
Teenage mutant ninja turtles
Teenage mutant ninja turtles
Heroes in a half shell, turtle power

~ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Theme

CJ Nelson shared this video for free one day a year or so ago. It's available on his Twister's Cookbook website and well worth the meager price.  I built it last year for my buddy Owen's birthday and took a picture with it attacking protecting Willow.

CJ is a great teacher, and very precise with what he demonstrates, so hopefully this doesn't come out the wrong way, but what I find amusing sometimes to the point of hilarity is you get the blooper reel along with the main video. There are certain sections in his videos it was obvious he meant to edit out - he'll stop with a look of frustration, pause for a moment to compose himself, and then take off again redoing the section. This particular video has an additional seven minutes at the end of his attempts at making an intro segment, complete with raspberries when he mumbles a section. It's great though because the whole time he's showing the completed figure, and it gives you plenty of time to view while you're finishing up your own build.

I've built a number of turtles on this blog already, so when my trainer challenged me to build one for his son I had a eureka moment when I remembered this one. I ended up building each of them in small form as well to give to my local Starbuck's barristas. Somewhere there is a picture of four grown men and their balloon action figures, if I can get them to forward it to me I will follow up with the image.

Drop the pizza and get out of here .. 

It's smells like a cowabunga down here ...

Other posts with CJ's designs:

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1 comment:

  1. Enough smiles and chuckles to fire up my day! Thank you!
