Saturday, November 26, 2016

November 26 - E.T.

Phone ... Home.

~ E.T. E.T. the Extra Terrestrial

The first time I saw Dan Staples E.T. design, I knew I wanted to build it.  But more than just build it, I knew it deserved to be put it into that iconic scene from the movie.  I'm glad my youngest son was happy to try out a couple versions.

The instructions are available at Dan's Gumroad website directly (link).  PDFs can sometimes be hard to follow when they are too wordy, but Dan does a great job including many extra pictures from different angles.  This was a breeze to assemble and sprinkled throughout with his humor.  He also demonstrates how to create the basket and handlebars to turn this into a fantastic wearable costume.  The instructions call for blush, but after taking the first pictures I thought building it in mocha might make the colors stand out more.

The image in the upper right is also an homage to the inspirational Rob Driscoll (link), the original daily balloon blogger.

... We're getting away, hey E.T. -- give them the magic finger!

Other posts with Dan's designs:

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